
Who is the book for

I have been writing this book for my younger self, the person I was twenty-five years ago. I wrote it for my brother or friends as ‘brotherly advice’.

If I can give my younger self a piece of advice, this would be it:

‘Don’t care too much about what others think of the choices you make. As soon as you make money, start keeping track of what you spend it on, and become aware of whether you think it’s worth it. Don’t compare yourself to others, neighbors or friends to see whether you have the same, more, better, nicer stuff but consider how you can handle your money smarter than them and save a larger part of your income. Put some of this money in your FYM jar and do the most fantastic things later on. Also keep some of your money separate and put it in your FIRE jar, which you invest smartly, so that you become more financially independent of a wage.’

I am writing this book for anyone who, for whatever reason, does not always want to be dependent on a job, an employer or the government and who wants to decide for himself or herself what he or she spends money on.

I want this to be a book you can give to your partner. If, as you read this book, you agree a lot with what you read and find yourself nodding and thinking “Yes, that’s what I think too” or “Yes, that’s what I do” but you have the feeling that your partner needs a little nudge or information and inspiration, then this is your chance.