
On this page I share example calculations, tools and templates that you can use in the activities described in the book From F*ck You Money to FIRE. With these you can figure out how you want to change your lifestyle, how you can grow Fuck You Money and create Financial Free Time, achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE).

You cannot change the data in the examples in the online viewer, but you can download the files and then ‘play’ with your own data.

Click on the small icon in the lower right corner of the embedded viewer below to open a full size workbook viewer.

On the Notes page you will find some recommendations for books to improve your Excel skills.

The information presented is for informational purposes only. The information and calculations contain the opinions and ideas of the author. It is intended as inspiring and useful material on the topics covered. The author is not engaged in providing financial advice, legal advice, investment and tax advice or other personal professional services.

The author is not liable for any actions prompted or caused by the information. Although every effort has been made to verify the information contained in the book and worksheets, the author is not responsible for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Please consult a professional if you have any concerns or doubts about possible actions to obtain financial independence before using a suggestion or drawing any conclusions from it. The author and publisher disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, arising directly or indirectly from the use and application of the contents of the book and the website.

X over Y example scenario

Latte factor example calculation

Depleting your FIRE fund

When can I quit my job

Interest on interest; compound interest

Just spend less

3 SR examples

FIRE scenarios

All five scenarios described in the book are in one worksheet (next to each other). You can best view this on a large screen (computer). You can change the numbers in the downloaded file to make it more specific to your situation (e.g. choose a scenario that looks like your situation, change disposable income and SR and see what happens).

Expense sheet

You can keep track of all your expenses.


Fill in the data from your expenses sheet and use your data to do analyses. Go ahead and extend and improve with your Excel skills in the analysis sheet.

Groceries savings analysis worksheet

Fill in, look up the prices of similar products and see how much you can save on your groceries. Have fun!

Your All World Portfolio of index trackers/ETFs

Use this worksheet to find the funds to create your All World Portfolio and calculate the amounts you want to invest.